Letter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, July 22, 2015

Your Eminence (Gerhard Cardinal Müller),
On February 21, 2014, I asked your office to correct the Archbishop of New York for suppressing my slideshow/lecture about the Holy Shroud. I made the same request of the Holy Father on October 1, 2014, and am now asking the College of Cardinals to correct the Pope. I translated the slideshow into 7 languages and created 7 websites. Yesterday, there were 244 visits to these websites. My correspondence with the Roman Rota is at a website titled “Complaint Against Cardinal Dolan.”

In my letter to Pope Francis, I mentioned another science-faith conflict that does not reflect well on the Catholic Church in the United States. It concerns evolutionary biology and I refer you to my website tiled, “Pseudoscience in the American Journal of Physics.”

I’v asked for a meeting with the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to explain a third concern I have, but this request is being refused. My correspondence about this is at the above website under “Magis Center for Faith and Science.” I’v written a number of articles about this and gave the references to the USCCB.

The Magis Center is run by a Jesuit priest and promotes arguments for God’s existence based on science rather than metaphysics. Suppose the Jesuit is addressing an audience of atheists and God-fearing people. The audience has agreed to pay for the lecture afterwards if they liked the lecture. The Jesuit explains that there is no natural explanation for the Big Bang, so there must be a supernatural explanation. The God-fearers will pay up because it confirms their faith. The atheists will also pay up because the lecture will confirm their belief that people who believe in God are irrational and stupid. I would make less money because the atheists would not pay me a dime.

Asking the blessing of Your Eminence, I am, Yours respectfully in Christ, David Roemer